Recently I visited Iran. It was an amazing trip. I guess I was most suprised about how 'European' the country felt (I realize it's a completely insensitive statement but I am European, so I'm allowed). It was clean, comfortable, green, relatively organized (and where it wasn't everyone behaved in a synchronized disorganized way.) The beauty of the Iranian nature is breathtaking as well.
I posted my pix on the following web pages, they speak for all the words I can possibly write...
IRAN, part 1
IRAN, part 2
IRAN, part 3
IRAN, part 3
I later received a joke about Iran, I thought it was especially funny cause it came from an Iranian friend of mine :)
- Between 18 and 22, a woman is like Africa , half discovered, half wild, naturally beautiful with fertile soil.
- Between 23 and 30, a woman is like Europe , well developed and open to trade, especially for s om eone with cash
- Between 31 and 35, a woman is like India , very hot, relaxed and convinced of her own beauty.
- Between 36 and 40, a woman is like France , gently aging but still warm and a desirable place to visit.
- Between 41 and 50, a woman is like Great Britain , With a glorious and all conquering past.
- Between 51 and 60, a woman is like Yugoslavia , lost the war and haunted by past mistakes.
- Between 61 and 70, a woman is like Russia , very wide with borders now unpatrolled
- After 70, she becomes Tibet . Wildly beautiful, with a mysterious past and the wisdom of the ages...only those with an adventurous spirit and a thirst for spiritual knowledge visit there.
- Between 1 and 70, a man is like Iran . Ruled by a Dick.
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