Thursday, November 09, 2006

Where does power actually lie...

According to Foucault, Berlant and others we are all overpowered by a discourse, by a system of meanings, which we exchange, perpetuate and share. When I say a word, make a sign or send any other kind of another signal, everyone who shares my system of meanings (or values) will understand what I mean and such sign will evoke the same kinds of associations this sign evokes in me and therefore this other person will perpetuate the discourse we are both part of. Even people who don't agree with the sign or word I pass on understand it and even by protesting it, they are still a part of the discourse I am part of. Although terrorists might protest America and its values, they are part of the same discourse. Although I might not agree with the way women are treated by the society, I am still part of the same discourse as the society.
According to the shared system of meanings, according to this discourse we are all part of, we create our own identities. I as well as my society understands what it means when I say that I am a woman, that I am a student, a doughter. This is an identity I created according to the discourse I am embedded in and all others who are part of this discourse understand what I mean and associate simmilar kinds of things as I do with my identity. It is common then to ask me what I study, whether I have a boyfriend, if I am married, to expact me to get married and have children etc.
Being a part of a discourse means being a part of a huge inescapable power machinery that is completely imagined and in which noone is the holder of the power. It's something like the world in the Matrix excapt without the machines.


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